The president of the Real Federación Española de Salvamento y Socorrismo, Isabel García Sanz, inaugurates the SIPA. AUTHOR: Pablo Rodríguez-RFESS
García Sanz: “Spain does not differentiate for tackling the problem of drowning with public politics”
Nearly a hundred people meet in Cordoba in the second International Seminar on Drowning Prevention
The president of the Royal Spanish Federation of Rescue and Lifesaving, Isabel García Sanz, opened the second edition of the International Seminar on Drowning Prevention (SIPA) regretted that “Spain is not differentiated by confronting the problem of drowning with public politics” that address the reality in the line marked by the United Nations, as there is no basic state legislation, which is why “the regulation is lost in the welter of autonomous and municipal competencies,” he said.
The opening was also attended by the Accidental Mayor, Blanca Torrent Cruz, the General Director of Emergencies and Civil Protection of the Junta de Andalucía, Javier Gil Guerra, and the Deputy of Sports and Civil Protection of the Diputación de Córdoba, Antonio Martín Romero.
In the last week, Cordoba has become a reference in the prevention of drowning with the celebration of SIPA where they have concentrated almost a hundred participants. An event that addresses “drowning as a public health problem in Spain”, with a multidisciplinary and global view of this problem with the contribution of leading personalities in the field, from Spain, Albania, Italy and Portugal to provide solutions.
The data of the National Drowning Report (INA), prepared by the Royal Spanish Federation of Rescue and Lifesaving since 2015, reflect a worsening of the situation in national aquatic spaces. In the words of García Sanz, this is “a reality that leaves no place for any doubt”.
That of 2023 has been the worst September since 2015 in unintentional fatal drownings, with the loss of life of 53 people and, for the first time since the INA has been elaborated, September equals August in number of drownings.
For the years 2024 and 2025, the president expects a definitive implementation of the previsions included in the collaboration protocol, signed with the Junta de Andalucía in March 2022, and reference partner in the fourth edition of the International Congress on Drowning Prevention (CIPREA) to be held in Cordoba next year.
The protocol with the Andalusian Government provides for “the development of actions in the prevention of accidents on beaches and swimming areas, reduce the risk and coordinate a successful intervention, if necessary,” recalled García Sanz, with the aspiration to place Andalusia as a reference in the prevention of drowning in aquatic areas, in the first Spanish territory to implement an integrated strategy for aquatic safety and as a leader in the National Aquatic Safety Strategy.
The president expressed her gratitude for the commitment of the Junta de Andalucía and the City Council of Cordoba, “essential allies in our efforts to achieve safe aquatic areas” and hoped that the Provincial Council would join in the next edition of CIPREA.