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De izq. a dcha., Giorgio Quintavalle de Italia, Tony Toriglia de Canadá, Yasuko Nakagawa de Japón, Humaid Ibrahim Al Houti from United Arab Emirates y Mubarak Almuhen de Arabia Saudí muestran el tríptico promocional del CIPREA./RFESS

From left to right, Giorgio Quintavalle from Italy, Tony Toriglia from Canada, Yasuko Nakagawa from Japan, Humaid Ibrahim Al Houti from United Arab Emirates and Mubarak Almuhen from Saudi Arabia show the CIPREA promotional leaflet./RFESS

The CIPREA is promoted at the Lifesaving World Championship in Australia

International leaders have received outreach materials during the ILS General Assembly

The 4th edition of the International Congress on Drowning Prevention (CIPREA), which will take place in Cordoba from 18 to 20 October 2024, has been promoted in the context of the Lifesaving World Championship held in Gold Coast (Australia).

During the General Assembly of the International Lifesaving Federation, information material was handed out to international leaders who have attended the event, such as Giorgio Quintavalle from Italy, Mubarak Almuhen from Saudi Arabia, Yasuko Nakagawa from Japan, Humaid Ibrahim Al Houti from United Arab Emirates or Tony Toriglia from Canada, among others, who were able to learn more about CIPREA first hand from the President of the Management Committee of the Royal Spanish Lifesaving Federation, Isabel García Sanz, accompanied by the Responsible of the International Action Support Unit of the Federation, María Rodríguez Martínez.

La presidenta de la Comisión Gestora de la Real Federación Española de Salvamento y Socorrismo, Isabel García Sanz, y la responsable de la Unidad de Apoyo a la Acción Internacional de la Federación, María Rodríguez Martínez, durante la Asamblea General de la ILS./RFESS

The President of the Management Committee of the Royal Spanish Lifesaving Federation, Isabel García Sanz, and the Responsible of the International Action Support Unit of the Federation, María Rodríguez Martínez, during the ILS General Assembly./RFESS

García Sanz highlighted the relevance of this event for the international community dedicated to drowning prevention and aquatic safety.

The General Assembly, which brought together some of the main leaders in lifesaving and rescue from 26 countries from all five continents, served as a key platform to raise awareness of the CIPREA.

The president of the Spanish Federation underlined the importance of this congress, which seeks to bring together experts from around the world to share knowledge, strategies and best practices in drowning prevention.

Distribución del material de difusión del CIPREA en la sala de convenciones de Sofitel Hotel de Gold Coast (Australia) donde ha tenido lugar la Asamblea General de la ILS./RFESS

Distribution of the CIPREA dissemination material in the convention room of the Sofitel Hotel in Gold Coast (Australia) where the ILS General Assembly took place./RFESS

CIPREA aims to be one of the leading events of the year in the field of aquatic safety, with a focus on innovation, international collaboration and the workplace, new for this fourth edition. The congress will address current and future challenges in drowning prevention, an issue that continues to affect millions of people around the world.

The promotion of CIPREA in Australia marks an important step in the organisation of this congress, with the expectation that international participation will be significant. García Sanz expressed his confidence that the event in Córdoba will be a unique opportunity to advance the global mission of saving lives through prevention.